Health is the most valuable asset of man, said Hippocrates and the doctor is obliged to choose the less harmful way to preserve it.This pathway has been shown over time to be natural medicine.

Houseleek herb

Spreading: It is a medicinal plant found on wild rock or is grown.

The organ used: For therapeutic purposes, only the leaves of the plant are used.

Harvest period: The herb can be harvested from July to September.

Houseleek-Naturist Treatments

Houseleek is especially recommended for its miraculous effects on external affections but can also be administered internally to combat certain problems such as nerve, kidney or ear disorders, even infections, diarrhea, fever or intestinal worms. In external use, in the form of fresh herbal juice applied locally on wounds or burns, or put in the ears, decoction dishes in skin cancer or uterine cancer, dry plant dust applied to the wounds, raw leaves applied to the corns. Houseleek can cure acne, skin, stomach, burns, corns, uterine or skin cancer, ear pain, hemorrhoids, insect bites, and even eliminate freckles.In popular medicine in the West, houseleek was once considered a medicine with general uses and beneficial influences in any affection. Charlemagne even gave a decree for the cultivation of this plant. Houseleek is used in folk medicine for toothache, burns, freckles and corns, in fighting ear inflammation, being also anthelmintic and febrifuge, but especially having decisive effects in eliminating corns. It is said that a leaf of the ear, applied on a batter, softens it and thus the batter can be removed.The herb is recommended for improving the general condition of the body. … Read more…

Juniper herb 

The juniper (JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS) grows in mountainous areas on mountain pastures, in rocky areas.

The juniper bushes do not lose their acicular leaves.The leaves reach a height of three to four meters.The fruits are dark blue to black, they are bloated once every two years.Around the fruit there are spikes.If the blooming of the juniper is April to May, the fruits are only bake at the end of September - early October (after two years).Fruit (bobbles) have a pleasant smell because of the volatile oil they contain.They also contain sugars, resin, potassium salts and a bitter principle.The taste is sweet with a specific flavor, which makes the fruits(bobbles) to be used as a spice in culinary art together with the scent or coriander.

Juniper herb Naturist Treatments

The juniper, more precisely its fruits, possesses strong diuretic properties, are disinfectant and healing, are also used in kidney and bladder diseases.It is advisable to use the juniper for rheumatism, gout and in dropsy  (water accumulation in tissues).Many people in mountain villages, especially in Italy, Austria and Germany, cherish the healing power of the juniper in cases of colds and flu, acute or chronic bronchitis.They always have in the house and the juniper brandy called WACHOLDER, this snaps medicinal.The Dutch give the flavor of their GENEVER national brandy using juniper berries, and the English give gin a specific flavor with juniper berries and this since the century. XVII.Eaten raw, juniper berries, stimulates appetite, helps in cases of general weakness in children, and in anemia.At the same time, tea from plant fruit overcomes dyspepsia (diarrhea and vomiting).In the spring, a blood-thinning cure is used using these berries as a decoction.The oil extracted from the juniper berries and mixed with 38-40% refined alcohol (one milliliter of oil per 100 grams of alcohol) is used for scalp in rheumatic joints pain.The juniper is also used successfully in treating other diseases and diseases such as: stone and sand in the bladder, skin diseases, eczema, scabies, liver diseases.

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Horseradish Herb

This herb is used for its root in most households in the preparation of pickles and as a spice.But horseradish leaves have a wide range of use in folk medicine.Do not forget that one of the most popular meats, crenwurstii (wiener), have their name in horseradish (CREN) mainly because they were served spice still over a hundred years ago horseradish root race was over it was no sugar, salt and vinegar.Horseradish grows especially in gardens around the house.Of course, the main man is a cultivated plant but is also found in the wild accidental in nature, near wet ditches, creeks waterfront.Horseradish leaves are flat and undulating and sometimes grow 1-1.5 meters high.Horseradish blooms during the summer months from June to July, with white flowers, with four petals that give off a strong odor.

Horseradish-Natural Treatments

Horseradish root, used breed in small quantities has a strong effect on digestion, stimulating it.It also has a strong diuretic effect which recommends horseradish root in the treatment of edema.The high content of vitamin C helps in states of anemia, loss of appetite in combat (lack of appetite).Since ancient times, both leaves and roots of horseradish and have found wide application in the treatment of various diseases and disorders.Thus, fresh horseradish leaves collected shall apply on the forehead and neck combating the headaches and migraines.In rheumatic pains in the joints are put horseradish leaves soaked in salt water on the painful area.Very quickly disappear pain in joints.Horseradish has a beneficial effect on digestion.From horseradish root race is a paste that is put on a piece of cloth and apply lombosciatica painful place, and in the groin area where intestinal cramps.For young people who suffer from specific trouble puberty, acne, apply a mask with horseradish in vinegar solution.In cases when the nose is stuffy cold, a little horseradish root smell and feel a strong race by leading sting, then it will unclog the nose ... read more ...

Marigold Herb

Calendula (marigold herb) occupies a prominent amongst medicinal plants in Romania.

Growth: the gardens, on wastelands.

Body plant used: flowers, stems, leaves, roots.

Calendula(marigold )-Natural Treatments

Calendula (marigold) is used to treat diseases such as cancer, cancerous ulcer, infectious jaundice, sores, varicose veins, phlebitis, fistulas, frostbites, burns, ulcers in the breasts, breast cancer, foot fungus, vaginal mycosis, hematoma, muscle rupture , hemangioma, swelling, abscesses and pustules, birthmarks, keratoses (old age spots), gastrointestinal diseases, cramps and stomach ulcers, inflammation of the colon, dropsy and hematuria, viral and bacterial infections, paratyphoid fever, intestinal worms, scabies , diarrhea, abnormal vision.


Calendula infusion:a heaping teaspoon with, marigold to a quart of water.

The plant scald and leave a little (10 minutes) to infuse.

Infusion of marigold is used both internally as healing, in case of hyperacidity gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis, infectious jaundice, cancer ulcers, inflammation of the colon, hemorrhoids, liver disease and externally.

If it hurts neck, gargle with an infusion of marigold in which to dissolve half a teaspoon of salt or baking food or you can squeeze half a lemon. Results will not be long overdue.

If you have a bump with pus that hurts creepy and no longer break, put two bags marigold flowers, in a little hot water for a few minutes and then hot as you can stand, apply them on the painful area. The temperature will drop soon, pain magically disappears bumps and breaks.

Store water in which you put the tea bags with flower because it is good for douche.

The skin can be cleaned and cared for with warm infusion of marigold.

Periodically apply warm compresses on the face of infusion.…read more…

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fennel herb

Growing: herb is cultivated throughout the country, demanding to heat, prefers sandy soils and clay rich in humus and calcium, meadow black soils or soils.

Body plant used: fruit mature fennel.

Fennel-Natural Treatments

In internal use fennel herb is used to treat bloating, abdominal colic, anorexia, larynx-tonsil infections, stimulates diuresis and stimulates the secretion of milk, treats bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough and spastic cough.In external use, it is used to treat laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and tracheitis...Read More...

Fennel essential oil

Properties: digestive tonic, carminative, antispasmodic, antiseptic, soothing stomach tonic, purifying, revitalizing. It is used in massage oils for relaxation, cellulite, edema and rheumatic pain, skin becomes more smooth and elastic. It is one of the most effective detoxifying oils being used in lymphatic drainage massage. If flatulence and digestive disorders is recommended local massage in combination with fennel tea.

Do not use undiluted!

Keep out of reach of children!

Avoid contact with eyes!

Not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, people who are allergic to this product.

Some oils can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people, so it is necessary to test the sensitivity

For external use only!


Shipping cost: 9,9 RON.

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Herbal paste

To prepare the herbal paste, stems and leaves are crushed on a wooden board, using a rolling pin noodles until it forms a smooth paste.

This paste is spread on a cloth, which is applied locally on the sick, bind with a piece of cloth (gauze) and keep warm.

Herbal paste compresses, may be kept overnight on diseased area.

Herbal paste - Natural treatments.

Plantain paste.

Plantain leaves, freshly picked, well washed squeezed on a wooden board with rolling pin, to soften slightly.

It forms a paste, which is applied topically on wounds or boils.

Place the leaves crumbled over the affected area and is fastened with a piece of cloth.

In a short time you will feel an improvement.

Fresh juice from the leaves of plantain contributes to wound healing and fast healing of purulent wounds, burns, furunculosis, eczema, herpes, skin ulcers, varicose ulcers, insect bites.

Plantain leaves are recommended in case of thrombosis.

In Chinese medicine, plantain leaves are used to stop bleeding and healing wounds faster.

Fresh leaves crushed applied directly on the wound stop bleeding and heal any wound, no matter how old they are. ... read more ...

Beans Herb

Beans, annual plant is grown for both food serving purposes, and those medicines.

Beans, like herb has different actions on the human body, among which the best known are: diuretic, cleansing, calming spasms.

Called Phaseolus vulgaris in Latin, the plant is used for centuries not only fresh food, berries and folders, but also as a medicinal plant namely pods without seeds, dried thoroughly.

Beans-Natural Treatments

Bean pods, containing a number of amino acids, minerals and many other substances with diuretics (remove water from the body, promotes passing urine from the body) but especially anti diabetic properties.

These properties pods prepared as tea, are used in, kidney and diseases of the bladder, heart disease (especially pericarditis), states rheumatic treat dropsy (fluid retention in tissues), in all cases beneficial effect it is the removal of fluid from the tissues.

For patients cystitis (bladder disorders, accompanied by strong burning and feeling spasms and anxiety), tea from bean pods, helps a lot.

It relieves pain and normalizes passing urine.

Tea of bean pods, along with flowers and leaves and leaves of blueberry shock and centaury help people with diabetes, lower blood sugar content. more...

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Treatment by fasting

As a therapeutic method fasting is used in many countries which are: USA, Germany, Japan, France, Russia, China, Britain etc.

It is recommended fasting total food, to treat ailments such as alcoholism, food poisoning and chemical, intoxicated medicinal inflammatory processes otolaryngology and ophthalmology, enlarged blood pressure, gout, diseases of gastrointestinal diseases, hepatobiliary diseases, dermatological blood diseases, diabetes etc.

Treatment by fasting lasts 2-5 days, maximum seven days to treat hypertension.

Fasting (hunger and thirst) is indicated for several days to cure acute nephritis and acute cardiovascular failure.

Total fasting for several days, cure: gastrointestinal bleeding, diabetes and obesity.

Many researchers believe that fasting stops the aging process of the body and give the individual a new youth.

Many researchers have used food item for small to medium duration in treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver, gall bladder, heart and even some psychiatric disorders.

Food Fasting - Natural Treatments

Ebba Waerland, in his studies, managed by fasting to cure sick diabetes, edema and psoriasis, rheumatism, gout and arthritis, liver and bile, stomach ulcers and even cancer.

In case of serious illness and especially cancer, the recommended method is the job done in stages.

It starts with a fasting for 7 days, then move to a lacto-vegetarian diet.

After two weeks we will start a new fasting, it has duration of 14 days.

It then moves to a normal diet, lacto-vegetarian for 21 days.

The third step fasted for 30 days, followed by 40-45 days from normal.

If symptoms persist, can undertake a new phase of fasting, a period of 30-40 days.

It is recommended that treatment with fasting, be headed by a specialist. ... read more ...

Fresh herbal juice

Fresh herbal juice is probably one of the most healthy and invigorating complex that we can ingest substances.

It is administered in the form of drops or is used to buffer the diseased areas of the body.

It is obtained by pressing freshly picked herbs, and used immediately.

However, placed in sealed bottles well, herbal juices, can keep several months if kept refrigerated.

Natural treatments with fresh herbal juices.

Here are some examples of the use of herbal juices:

-Celery juice helps remove obesity, because it favors the removal of water from the body.

Celery juice is recommended for rheumatism and gout treatment.

- Beauty apple juice helps to tone the tissues, which can be applied by gently massaging the area that needs to be remedied.

- Cherry juice and cherries is useful in the treatment of hepatitis.

- Blackthorn juice help stop nose bleeds (buffering).

- Green coconut juice treat warts.

-Lemon juice treat sinusitis, thrush, tonsillitis, herpes, warts.

-Orange juice (buffering) treats gingivitis and stomatitis.

-Fig juice treat warts.

-Green bean pods juice cures acne in adolescents.

-Plums juice removes constipation.

- Carrot juice helps eliminate toxins from the body.

-Onion juice removes freckles and treats sores.

-Potato juice cure gastric disorders.

-Tomato juice is recommended in diets.

- Cabbage juice is recommended to be drunk to eliminate intestinal worms.

It is effective in the treatment of acne (buffering), gastritis and ulcers.

-Spinach juice we get rid of depression. … read more…

Herbal compresses

To prepare herbal compresses, boil water in a pot, which hangs over a sieve insert fresh or dried herbs and cover.

After some time plants take hot soaking, put in a canvas fabric rare and apply on suffering.

Everything is then covered with a cloth, wool and rags tied more closely with.

It is not allowed to show any feeling of cold.

Herbal compresses - natural treatments

Chamomile compress:

Pour 1 liter of milk boiling over 2 tablespoons of chamomile, let stand 2-3 minutes, strain and applied as a warm compress.

Warm compress is recommended in eye pain, conjunctivitis and other eye inflammation, skin rashes or itchy suppurations, and as a gargle for toothache and washing wounds.

Compress lady's mantle:

Warm compress is recommended in eye pain, conjunctivitis and other eye inflammation, skin rashes or itchy suppurations, and as a gargle for toothache and washing wounds.

Burdock compress:

Fresh leaves are washed, crushed and applied as poultice several times a day until the cause disappears.

Compression is recommended for sprains, walked feet hurt too much, burns, ulcers, wounds bitter.

Compress with narrow plantain:

Fresh leaves are washed, crushed to a paste is formed (porridge), applied to the affected area.

It is recommended wounds, foot cracks, cuts, insect bites, rabid dog bites, poisonous animals.

Leaves in hand rubbed with salt and applied to the neck, goiter cure and heal blisters or chafing feet from shoes.

This compression is recommended in the case of cancerous diseases of the glands. ... read more ...

natural treatments

Herbal Tea.

Herbal teas are well known for their effects on health, helping to cure or relieve certain ailments.

But it is good to know that they can be successfully used for body care, having recognized cosmetic properties.

Tea-infusion of herbs.

For infusion cut fresh herbs and place in a glass bowl or pot metal.

Boil water and pour over the plants so prepared.

Fresh plants do not let it sit in the tea pot to draw only very briefly (30 seconds).

The infusion of the herb should be pale yellow or green light.

Dried plants let stand some time (1-2 minutes).

A tea thus prepared is much healthier and more pleasing to the eye.

Roots is inserted in the indicated amount of cold water, put give some hot and let stand 3 minutes.

The ratio of tea to one day enter into a thermos and drink occasionally a teaspoon throughout the day, according to indications.

In general put a teaspoon as indicated in each plant (a plant leading to a quart of water).

Cold herbal extract.

Some herbs may not be scalded, because they would lose strength curative cooking.

This tea with cold water so prepared is also called cold soak or extract.

The amount indicated for each plant leaves in cold water soak 8-12 hours, then macerate heats only slightly, and rations for the day is stored in thermos that has been rinsed with hot water.

The mixture of cold infusion extract is considered the best way to use medicinal plants.

Tea-herbal decoction.

For crushed herb decoction is introduced from the start in cold water boil and allowed, after the liquid starts to boil, simmer 20-30 minutes on slow fire.... read more ...

Ointments and Oils Herbal

Ointments and medicinal herbal oils, greases popularly called, were known and used as folk remedies long before being prepared industrially.

Such ointments quite expensive now commercially can be obtained easily at home, the old recipes.

The results will be the same, but with minimal expenses.

In addition, we are sure that we use the best quality ingredients.

An ointment prepared home has therapeutic virtues as strong as in the pharmacy, perhaps even more effective, because it is taken down by your hand.

Preparation of herbal ointments

For the preparation of ointments chop twice by two handfuls of herbs.

Heat 500 grams of lard, as it would make fried.

Plants fat mix in this hot, let it sizzle briefly in the pan, stir further, pull the pan off the heat, cover and leave to cool overnight.

The day warms everything easily filter through gauze and cream thus obtained is introduced previously prepared hot jars.

Preparation of herbal oils.

To prepare oils from herbs, flowers or plants jab without stuffing in a bottle to the neck and pour in olive oil cold pressed, so that the oil is covering plants with a thick layer of two fingers.

Allow 14 days the sun or near the stove. ... read more ...

Hazelnut Herb

Ecology and growth:increase the plains to the mountains (in beech floor), the bushes, cuts and edges of woods, bushes, debris and even clearings.

Body plant used: leaves (Folium CORYLI), bark (Cortex CORYLI) hazelnut.

Harvesting period: the hazelnut can harvest in June-July.

The hazelnut-Natural Treatments

Internal use: the hazelnut is antihemorrhagic and disinfectant for open wounds, perspiration.

In internal use herb is used to treat hemorrhoids, varicose veins, edema of the legs, eczema, vitamin deficiencies, emphysema, silicosis, asthma, hepatitis outbreak.

External use: in external use hazelnut is used for healing ulcers, treatment perifeblitei, pecinginelor, boils eritocianoza sweet and lower limbs.

Infusion buds nuts:  the infusion is prepared from 1 to 2 teaspoons of peanut sprouts in a cup of boiling water.

If consuming a daily vitamin deficiencies 250g fresh peanuts.

Peanuts are considered a good remedy against hemolytic anemia (destruction of red blood cells), while leaves and husk extract or young branches is considered effective in periflebite (inflammation of the membrane that covers the external fibrous veins). ... read more ...

Cornflower Herb

Growth: the plant is frequently the plains to the mountains, in cereal crops by sandy places.

Body plant used: marginal flowers and antodiile, entirely.

Harvesting period: marginal flowers in July-August and atondiile from July to September inclusive.

Cornflower-Natural Treatments

Internal use: in internal use cornflower used for kidney, gallbladder disorders, anorexia, heart failure, phlebitis, edema, biliary dyskinesia, dyspepsia. The plant is used as an infusion or maceration.

External use: the plant is used for internal use eye disease conjunctivitis.

Infusion of flowers Cornflower: more than a teaspoon of dried flowers pour a cup of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Strain and drink warm in three innings half an hour before meals. It has diuretic in kidney and liver disease.

A more concentrated infusion of 2 teaspoons of flowers per cup of water, put compresses on the eyes is used in conjunctivitis and tired eyes. … read more…

 Bilberry Herb

bilberry herb

Growth: bilberry is met, mountain forests, clearings of forests, juniper bushes and juniper, mountain and subalpine meadows, the entire Carpathian Mountains, especially on shady slopes and wet.

Body plant used:bilberry leaves and fruits.

Harvesting period:bilberry leaves can be harvested from May to September inclusive, and the fruit matures from July to September.

Bilberry-Natural Treatments

Natural treatments with bilberries (fruit)

Internal use:in internal use bilberry is used treat the following conditions:

Diarrhea, enteritis, diabetes, uremia, urinary infections, kidney calculus, gout, rheumatism, intestinal worms (pinworms), eczema, hemorrhoids, colitis fermentation of rotting colitis, acuity, old age.

External use:in external use herb is used to treat pharyngitis, stomatitis and thrush.

Natural treatments with bilberries (fruit).

In the morning on an empty stomach, eat 200g cranberry or more, exclusive cure is two - three kilograms for three or four days.

Bilberries cure is indicated for lowering blood urea value, and as an adjunct in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Even once consumed in greater quantity, bilberries significantly improves visual acuity, especially at night, and regenerate retinal purple. … read more…

Herb Lovage

It is a multi-annual plant that grows in the garden (the crop).

A bush grow lovage nice and fast.

The stems are hollow, large leaves have a distinct odor and strong.

In Latin it is called LEVISTICUM OFFICINALE.

In German name is LIEBSTOCKEL (love stick) due aphrodisiac properties, and the roots they call MAGGI (hence the brand known company that offers dishes concentrates, soups, sauces, etc.).

Lovage probably comes from Iran, but in the Middle Ages began to be cultivated in Europe.

It is known that King Charles the Great ordered mandatory lovage cultivation in each garden.

As active substances lovage contain essential oils, butilftalide, isovaleric acid and coumarin derivatives.

Lovage-natural treatments

As a medicinal plant (leaves or lovage root) is used to treat the following conditions and diseases: dropsy, rheumatism, heart disease, gout.

The plant causes a good diuresis (removal of body water) which help remove kidney stones (kidney sand).

Also lovage help dissolve bronchial secretion and facilitates expectoration.

Beets help in the treatment of diseases of the stomach.

Usually, lovage is used in flavoring in soups purposes, but also as a medicinal plant.

For tea, lovage is used in combination with other plants.

The treatment of skin eruptions, use a decoction of the leaves and roots of lovage races.

Douches are portions of diseased skin.

After 2 weeks the skin becomes again smooth.

In the treatment of stomach diseases races roots and leaves are used chopped, prepared a tincture is concentrated.

In people, tradition says that pregnant women should avoid this herb.

It eats plants causing premature births. ... read more ...

parsley herb

Besides the use parsley as a vegetable, its remarkable properties make it be used as a medicinal plant.If the scientific name is PETROSELINUM CRISPUM.Parsley is said to have the power to strengthen the body's response to disease and that is sustained.Parsley contains vitamin C. After being two years in the ground, root becomes thick and high strain can grow up to 50 centimeters.Then appear greenish yellow flowers.Parsley is now rare in the wild and it is best to avoid the gather outside garden, there are possibilities of confusion with plants that have toxic effects.Parsley contains many active ingredients, essential oils and miristicina.

Parsley-natural treatments

The oil content in leaves sensitizes the kidney and increases the amount of urine, stimulates sweating and reduces fever.Parsley is recommended in treating all raw nerve diseases.Eaten raw or made into a tea help in the treatment of renal disease, liver treats rheumatism, gout help cure removes kidney stones and treat eczema.Since the plant are used fresh leaves and roots and seeds from plants older than two years.Parsley was still in service in the areas of southeastern Europe.Interestingly parsley in Germany expanded by 820 year ago Charlemagne's order.PETROSELINUM CRISPUM Latin name means rock-celery and it appears in the writings of Pliny and Dioscorides.In the writings of ancient healing power of parsley stated in heart disease, stomach and kidneys.The tea from the roots, seeds or dried leaves is recommended in the treatment of menstrual disorders, digestive disorders, in fever, dropsy, diseases of the bladder, kidney stones.Fresh juice helps in the treatment of birthmarks (skin blemishes), insect bites and freckles… read more…

horse chestnut herb

Chestnut is an ornamental tree, tall up to 30 cm.

It has branched root, strong.

Short trunk, globular crown, dense with thick branches.

The bark turns gray early death in tissues that fall into thin blades .

Stalks and buds young lenticels opposite, large, glossy brown, gummy.

The flowers are grouped in large panicles, erect rich.

They symmetrical, yellowish-white, stained red.

The fruits are green capsules, 3-5 cm in diameter large, spiny, open at maturity in March valve, immediately releasing large seeds 1-2, shiny brown with a high hil, yellow.

Parties used:

Hippocastani floral Flores.

Leaves, Folium hippocastani.

Semen hippocastani-seeds.

Bark-Cortex hippocastani.


The flowers are harvested in late April and May, when opened more than half of them.

Break or cut with scissors tree blossoms, then pinch the flowers on stalks.

The leaves are harvested in May and June, without petiole, each folio by breaking or cutting at the union petiole leaf.

The seeds are harvested in September-October, in stages, as the fall.

Bark - start sap spring, when the buds begin to burst, the smooth young branches in the pan forming crown.

It is made by cutting ring to 10-15 cm and a cut in long distance, yielding tubular fragments without quality wood.

Horse Chestnut-Natural treatments

It reduces capillary fragility.

Use complementary treatment: phlebitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, prostate hypertrophy, rheumatic pain.

Internal: form of pharmaceutical products, whereas the limit between the therapeutic dose and toxic dose is small.

Prepare tincture and capsule form.

External: 1 teaspoon bark decoction of 200 ml water;

Tincture of bark and fruits 30%.

As compresses, local baths ... read more ...

thyme herb

Thyme herb

Spreading: The plant is cultivated on barren land, sand, no stagnant water in the plains until the mountains.

Body plant used: aerial parts of the plant.

Harvest time: thyme harvested before flowering in May.

Thyme-natural treatments

Internal use: for internal use thyme is used to treat the following diseases: enterocolitis, helminitiaze, stimulating liver function, whooping cough.

External use: thyme is used in external use to treat the following conditions: wounds, ulcers, stimulating the peripheral circulation.

Tea (infusion) Thyme:

A heaping tablespoon of herbs brewed with a quart of fresh water and let it sit a bit.

For the treatment of chronic bronchitis (whooping cough and productive cough) - as emergency remedy, give a few sips of hot infusion of thyme, which has bronchodilator effects, soothing expectorant and fast.

For a long-term treatment is recommended powder, which is taken three times a day, a teaspoon.

The treatment lasts four weeks.

In addition, the hot baths with infusion of thyme, which have powerful effects strengthening immunity ... read more ...

Blackthorn bush, which blooms is among the first after snowmelt.The plant grows up to three meters high.Blackthorn is called scientifically  Prunus spinosa.The blooming period is in March-April.Fruits are spherical, dark blue to black, resembling blueberries.Blackthorn grows in sunny woods.Recently observed blackthorn fruit are covered with a layer of wax strongly reflecting ultraviolet rays which makes the birds that receives ultraviolet find these fruits easily between the leaves.The taste for sour fruit is sour and unpalatable until the first frost falls.

Blackthorn - Natural treatments

The plant is known from ancient times, is used to prepare a mixture of sloes (blackthorn fruit), honey and wine, very useful in the treatment of gout and stomach disorders.It is said that whoever eats the first three flowers of blackthorn will be featured by fever and gout.In various diseases using both flowers and fruit of the plant (sloes).Blackthorn flowers are useful in kidney and bladder diseases, as well as constipation.All flowers are used as a laxative, diuretic and relieves pain are easy.The tea is brewed from a heaped teaspoon of flowers, scalded with boiling water 250 ml, allowed to shoot a minute, strain and drink two or three cups a day.In homeopathy, flowers are used in preparations blackthorn to combat headaches and heart disease ... read more ...

This plant, RUBUS FRUCTICOSUS, is known for its fruit flavored sweet black.

The plant grows in the form of bushes leafy green or slightly towards brown.

Rose bushes from 50 to 150 cm above the ground.

Blackberries grow preferentially laying on the ground, crawling.

After blooming in June-July, fruits consist of many black berries are harvested joined occur in August and September.

Blackberries-natural treatments

The leaves are used medicinally and blackberry fruits.

Herbs contain essential oils, tannins substances and vitamins.

Plant fruits are tasty and very indicated for the treatment of anemia states, in laryngitis and pharyngitis.

Blackberry A tea (infusion) which has a strong constipating effects (diarrhea).

The tea used for gargling, combat inflammatory conditions of the oral cavity.

For tea use MUR roots and leaves that are harvested in early spring.

The leaves dry in the shade and stored in cloth bag.

Tea is good to treat kidney disease, promotes diuresis.

Depurator effect (clean blood) cure many skin diseases ... read more ...

Cilantro herb

Cilantro is a plant whose home is in Asia.Science is told CORIANDRUM SATIVUM and popular by region of the country, is called coleandra, anise, sulfur weed, fennel, stinking grass, white pepper or sulfur.Cilantro contains aromatic volatile oil, which makes this plant to be used in the perfume industry, food industry in the preparation of herbal liqueurs and especially as a condiment and preservative preparations of fish and the meat.The fruits (seeds) cilantro is used as a stimulant of gastric secretions gastrointestinal stimulant, calming and combat bloating.The seeds were always used in Iran to eliminate anxiety and insomnia.Cilantro is a perennial plant, which has a resistant strain, growing flowers as bouquets with white or pink.When fresh, the plant does not smell very pleasant.Cilantro blooms from June to August.From the seeds of the plant are used exclusively.

Cilantro-natural treatments

The plant is used to eliminate intestinal worms, to combat bloating, intestinal colic combat.

Cilantro seed powder:

The powder is prepared from dry seeds ground with a power grinder.Store in tightly closed jars.In the treatment of liver cancer is recommended daily administration of four tablespoons of freshly ground Cilantro powder (that day) in long treatments - minimum of 3 months.The same treatment is recommended in colon cancer…read more ...

Plantain herb

Plantain-Natural Treatments

Narrow Plantain is used primarily against respiratory diseases, especially in the case of abundant mucosal secretions, in whooping cough, pulmonary asthma, even in pulmonary tuberculosis.Clean stomach like no other plant is therefore suitable for those people who have little or bad blood, liver and kidneys sick, pale appearance that make rashes, eczema, which more and coughing less, are hoarse and weak.In asthma lung herb works wonders.Thyme mixed with equal parts and prepared the infusion serves against asthma and bronchitis lung.Such an infusion is recommended and liver and bladder diseases.

Tea plantain:

Boil a cup of cold water with a slice of lemon (without skin) and a teaspoonful of brown sugar candy, let it give 4/5 hot, remove from heat and only then add a teaspoonful the mixture of herbs (thyme and plantain).Let rest for 30 seconds.In severe cases, tea is prepared several times a day (4-5 times).Drink as warm.As you can read in old books about herbs, plant seed combat training calculation, if you take 8 grams daily (seeds).It is a good remedy and cons wounds.In this case the fresh leaves applied over the wound.

Plantain syrup:

Twice two hands full of washed plantain leaves pass through meat grinders.Add this porridge leaves little water to not harden, 300 grams of sugar and 250 grams of unrefined honey.Let everything simmer with continued mixing until it forms a viscous liquid, pour hot jars and store in the refrigerator ... read more ...

dill herb

Dill herb

ANETHUM GRAVEOLENS is the Latin name of dill, which primarily is known as a seasoning herb.Dill is an annual plant that grows up to a meter high.Dill stalk is hollow unlike fennel that looks pretty much.The leaves are very fine.Dill exudes an aroma, pleasant because it contains essential oil.Blooms in late August, early September.Dill should be considered today as the crop as we find in most gardens.Use freshly picked and dill seeds.It should be noted that dill is easy to grow, not only in gardens but also in pots.

Dill-natural treatments

As a medicinal herb, dill is used in combat bloating, disorders and nerves and insomnia.As dill herb seasoning match preparations with zucchini, stuffed peppers, fish dishes.Dill seeds have a special property.Used in raw seeds taken with a glass of water or tea, combat hiccups.It can also be used as an infusion.Under the cruel, a cure semintede dill, fennel and anise (all taken in equal parts) induce a state of peace, comfort and stimulates intellectual yield ... read more ...